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AI is Called Artificial for a Reason
I tried a little experiment, asking Google's AI search tool, Bard, what to do if a loved one is struggling with addiction. Here's what it said: If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, it can be a very difficult and confusing time. You may feel...
Addressing Trauma in Substance Abuse Treatment
The importance of addressing trauma in substance abuse treatment can't be overstated. And we need to not only look at the trauma that may have caused pain that led to using drugs or alcohol. We also need to look at the trauma that often happens during active...
Addiction Knows No Age Limits
We often think of addiction as being a young person's problem. Now, however, the number of adults over 65 with substance abuse disorder is increasing. The reasons why are mostly conjecture, but we are certain of several things: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a very...
Stages of Change Series – Part 6: Maintenance
The maintenance stage is self-explanatory, but how do I keep it going? It's all about holding on to the positive change: Do I keep going to the gym? Do I stick to my healthy sleep schedule? In recovery, do I take the actions necessary to sustain my sobriety? And am...
Stages of Change Series – Part 5: Action
We all go through stages when we're changing anything significant in our lives. Think about the last time you decided to pursue a new job. There was a period before you even considered it - when everything was satisfactory at your job (precontemplation). Then you...
Stages of Change Series – Part 4: Preparation
When someone you care about is struggling with addiction, it's helpful to understand the stages of change as they are applied to recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. They may bounce back and forth between the stages, but no matter who it is – family...